Tuesday, June 23

don't mess with me

I am angry, fuming, foaming at the mouth...

I don't know where these emotions come out of, but some things just get to my core and I absolutely cannot get over it for quite some time. It's very bizarre because I'm a hard person to anger and typically very understanding. On one hand it is killing me that we can't get this resolved {or attempt to} tonight, but on the other I know it's good for me to have some time to cool off before we have a chat tomorrow afternoon {and hopefully leave in a better mood}. 

Kurt was very insistent that I do not share too much information because he wants to keep all of our bases covered. But, I will tell you these feelings come from some issues around us moving out and money. {that we don't have!} I will admit that I've always been {or tried to appear} as a "goodie goodie" and I've always hated the feeling of getting in trouble....so I don't get in trouble often {knock on wood}!! Not that we're in "trouble," but there were some miscommunications that may cause us some big-time mula. :( {Some money that I'd much rather save up to use on some of those dreamy house things.}

So...I'm pissed. And I can't s.t.o.p. thinking about it. It's driving me c r a z y!!! I decided the only thing that was going to keep me sane tonight was {drumroll.............}

Bub's  Peanut Butter Chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream

Don't you worry -- I made sure I got a hunkin' big cup FILLED with chocolately peanut buttery goodness. 

 Tip for you: When mad, always indulge in amazing ice cream that takes your mind off of being angry and "fixes" the problem {even if it's temporary}!

Clearly, this strategy worked for me....for the 7 minutes it took me to finish this entire bowl and lick the bowl, too.

And then it was gone...yum.

Poor Kurt was trying not to think about it and I kept bringing it up...

Coop didn't really care because he knows we'll still love him and he'll get some ice cream...even if it's just one TINY little lick, it's good enough!

Hopefully, we'll be in a better mood {and not be broke} tomorrow afternoon. If not, I will be joining Bub's tomorrow evening, and this time I'll be asking for the ENTIRE tub of ice cream...no matter the cost. 

Goodnight, sleep tight, and dream of us keeping our money in our pockets.

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