Wednesday, September 16

booty dancin'

Saturday was my dad's birthday. In order to celebrate, my family went to a yummy restaurant downtown Indy. Of course, mini-me, Julia, was there to help celebrate. Normally when I pull my camera out and ask to take a picture, Julia wants nothing to do with being photogenic. But, to my surprise, Saturday night was different. Here are some of the pictures {minus the VERY random ones she continued to take of heads, ceilings, etc} from our photo least it kept her occupied for awhile!

Things started out good...

...and then started turning a little more silly.

Trying to be a princess?!?

Then, we had to take 5 pictures looking up at the camera...

Best of all, the 'booty dance' face.

Apparently I make this face a lot when I'm talking about kids doing crazy things, weird stuff that happens, etc. {This is obviously an exaggerated face...} Well, Julia has somehow picked up on this face and now loves making it. One day while listening to loud music, she started making this face while bending over and shakin' her booty. And, the 'booty dance' was born! She looks so funny doing her dance. {I can assure you that she didn't get the dance moves from me!!}

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