One thing I am completely *not* smitten for is cleaning. When Kurt and I moved in together, I decided that I would clean every Tuesday night. In the last couple of months, I have not stuck to my schedule as well as I should be. It's quite easy for me to come up with excuses of why I shouldn't clean! But, I always end up kicking myself the next Tuesday night when I have two weeks of cleaning instead of just one!!! Well needless to say, last Tuesday I did not clean. Last night was crazy and I wanted to get some things done for work. So, I decided that I would do it tonight.
One thing is for certain - when {or more importantly IF} I ever make more money than I am now, I will be graciously spending it on a cleaning lady once or twice a month! To me, that's money well spent and precious time I would have to spend doing something WAY more fun/productive. But for now, I don't have the money. Although I have many other worthwhile things to be doing, I will be spending my rainy Wednesday evening cleaning and {hopefully} relaxing after. Hope you have a more exciting evening than me! :)
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