Tuesday, July 31

Week 8 (Catching Up)

How big was baby: A kidney bean! 

What's going on with baby: Webbed fingers and toes are growing from the hands and feet. The tail is about gone! Baby is moving around, but I can't feel it yet. 

Symptoms: The nausea and bloating continue getting a little better. I feel best when I snack all day and don't let my stomach get empty. My clothes are definitely getting tight! I don't have really any pants or many skirts that fit anymore! 

What happened this week:
-We returned home from our long weekend away on Monday night. 
-Wednesday we had our 8 week doctor appointment. We were there for a couple hours. We were given a ton of information, asked many questions, and best of all got another ultrasound!!! This time the baby looked like a baby, not a blob. The best, best, best part...we could hear AND SEE the baby's heartbeat! Our due date was confirmed. Baby W should be here sometime around January 27, 2013. :) Can't wait! 
-We still had not had a chance to celebrate Father's Day with my dad. We had a gift for him and, of course, wanted to share the good news. Trying to fit into his crazy schedule was difficult. We were finally able to meet for dinner on Wednesday evening. We ate dinner at their house and gave my dad his gift, card, and pregnancy announcement. My parents are thrilled...let the shopping begin! :) We were so excited to tell everyone else, we came home late from my parents and addressed all of our cards so I could send them out Thursday morning. 
-Thursday morning I went to the post office as soon as I could get there! I couldn't wait to get the announcements in the mail! That evening, we went over to Josh and Mer's to celebrate Josh's birthday {which we missed while we were in Key West.} Of course, we planned on telling them the good news that evening, too! 
-Friday and Saturday was the Dave concert...the baby's first concert! We sat in the pavilion both nights. Both concerts were awesome! 

It was a busy week around here. It felt great to be able to start telling people about the baby. We couldn't WAIT for people to start getting their cards in the mail! {People in Indy started getting their cards on Friday. It was fun hearing from everyone!} 

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