Sunday, July 29

Week 6 {Catching Up}

We went to the doctor on Monday, June 4 for our first appointment. The technician took us into the room and explained what was going to happen. I could tell that she was not liking what she saw on the screen while she was doing the regular ultrasound. She said that the baby appeared to be younger than 8 weeks {which is typically when they first allow you to come in for an ultrasound} and that she needed to do a vaginal ultrasound to see the baby. 

At that appointment, we were able to see our little blur of a baby and hear the heartbeat! We were thrilled. After doing some measurements on the baby, it looked like I was only 6 weeks along, not 9 like they thought. It all started clicking...that's why the pregnancy tests I took when I missed my period weren't positive...I was too early to be testing. So the whole entire time, I was in fact pregnant but must have ovulated later than I thought, causing me to be behind a couple weeks. Maybe if I could stop being impatient....! 

Besides the fact that we were able to see our baby, the appointment was a disappointment. I was planning to switch doctors so I could stay at the hospital I like. Needless to say after that appointment, I made a quick decision to stay with my previous doctor no matter if I had to go to a different hospital or not! 

Right after our appointment on Monday, I called up to Oliver's Twist {they did our wedding invitations} to have our baby announcements made. I absolutely couldn't wait to see them and definitely couldn't wait to send them out to everyone! This is how it turned! 

How I felt: I was feeling very tired and a little nauseous. All I wanted to do this week was eat, which helped me from feeling nauseous. 

Sleep: Sleep was getting more difficult because I was up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom. 

What happened this week: 
-I was in a conference at school all week. It was difficult to concentrate! 
-Tuesday night we went to tour St. Vincent Carmel hospital to see if we wanted to stay with my orignal doctor. I loved everything about the maternity ward of the hospital. On Wednesday, I called the "new" doctor's office and cancelled my appointments and called my original doctor to schedule my next appointment. I was feeling relieved already!
-We celebrated our first wedding anniversary over the weekend by staying at the Conrad. We went to Tastings {for Kurt to drink wine} and had fun people watching. When we got home from dinner there was champagne and chocolate covered strawberries for us in our room {like on our wedding night}. We ate the strawberries and are saving the champagne for our 2nd anniversary so I can drink it too! We brought our anniversary cake and ate it in bed while we watched the NBA playoffs! Of course, I was in bed early!  

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