Wednesday, August 1

Week 14 {2nd Trimester!}

The beginning of my 2nd trimester. I can't believe it! While it seems like January is still very, very far away, thinking that the pregnancy is already a third behind us is kinda crazy. It doesn't seem like long ago that we found out about this baby. While I'm excited to welcome each new week to learn about what's going on with our baby, it makes me stop and realize how quickly time flies! We have A TON of things to do to get ready for this baby and I know I'll feel more pressured to get things done once fall comes. I had plans of getting so much done around the house in July since I wasn't working or tutoring. July has now come and gone and my to-do list for the house isn't one bit smaller! Oh the life of a very good procrastinator! 

How big is baby: The baby is about 3.5 inches in length, about the size of a lemon. Wow!

What's going on with baby: Our baby is now making many facial expressions. He/she is squinting, frowning, grimacing, and possibly sucking his/her thumb! {None of that baby...bad habit!} The baby's kidneys are starting to produce urine and he/she is beginning to pee...yuck! The arms are now proportionate to the rest of the body. 

Symptoms: I continue to {thankfully!!} feel great, but HELLO acne...ugh. This week has brought about a face full of wonderful spots. I've had to stop using almost all of my pre-pregnancy face items and feel helpless not being able to try to get rid of these zits. I did read about a pregnancy safe acne face wash that I'm thinking about buying. I've had a few stretching pains in my belly area. I'm thinking that this is probably the start of the round ligament pains I've been reading about. Other than that, I still don't really feel pregnant. However, I suppose that's a good thing! :) 

Is my belly growing? I know it is, but it still looks like fat and not a cute baby bump. I'm still able to "suck in" a little of my belly. My belly always looks really good {small and almost like my pre-pregnancy belly} in the mornings and looks wayyyy bigger by the end of the day. I know this is still bloating and probably the food I'm eating, but I'm ready to look pregnant, not fat! 

What's going on this week:
-On Sunday, Kurt and I did some yard work around the house. I wish I would have taken before and after pictures to show. While almost everything at our house is dead due to the drought and watering ban, the yard truly does look better now that things have been cut back and cleaned up! I needed a nap after all the heat and work outside. We headed downtown for our little date after we went to church. We ate at the bar at the JW and then walked over to White River State Park to listen to some good live music. It was a beautiful evening! 
-I've been at school quite a bit this week trying to get things ready for the beginning of the year. I'm starting to get really excited about my new adventures in Kindergarten this year! I know I'm going to be absolutely exhausted once school begins. It's going to be difficult getting in bed early considering we've been staying up really, really late each night watching the Olympics...and I definitely don't plan on going to bed any earlier until they're over. :) 
-Today is laundry/cleaning day at our house...YUCK! We're heading off to San Francisco tomorrow so lots needs to get finished around here before we leave. 
-I'm worried about what in the world I'm going to pack for our trip. It looks like it's going to be pretty chilly there and I currently don't have many fall-ish clothes that fit! I'm a really bad packer and know that trying to pack many layers is going to simply lead to complete over-packing. It's always good to have outfit choices! :)
-I can't wait to be in CA and get to spend 5 days with Lauren and Jared!! Many trip updates to come! 

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