Tuesday, August 7

Weeks 9 & 10 {Catching Up}

Okay, we're almost caught up on the week updates here. After this, baby bump pictures will be around each week. 

How big was baby: A grape and a kumquat {?!?!?}. 

What's going on with baby: The embryo turned into a fetus. The baby is kicking up a storm {I wish I could feel it!} and many of the vital organs are beginning to function. I can't believe how much the baby is growing and developing each week!

What happened this week: 
-Week 9, we finally had a week that wasn't so crazy busy. I was able to get some things done around the house. We went to dinner with Lauren and Tom and I was able to get a {much needed} full week of working out in.
-We went to pick up Kurt's new car on Thursday!! And I had to take my car in to get new tires put on. We spent wayyy too much money in one day! :)
-Friday we packed and got ready for our trip to South Carolina. We left later in the evening once everyone else was off work. 
-Week 10, we were in SC the whole week. It was a great, relaxing vacation!

{Celebrating the 4th in SC and testing out the new camera.}

{Good friends, good food, and a great trip!!}

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