Thursday, October 29

70 dollar facelift

Remember this?

Well, it was next to this...

Sheer. Unmovable. Rough. Not my favorite.
My least favorite was the fact that you could see though it at all times {especially night}.

While walking through Bed, Bath, and Beyond, we found some new curtains that we thought might work. We brought them home and immediately put them up. And....

We have windows that you can now see out of!!!

Our room looks a billion times better and bigger. We love them!

And no more creepers can try to look in at night!

Great part? They were only $70!
Best part? The old homeowner left us these --

Couldn't be more perfect if you asked me!


  1. love it!!! The curtain tie-backs are super cute!

  2. Katie- I love LOVE the new curtains! Such a great improvement. Sorry I didn't tell you I had a blog; we used to be really into it, but now we're slacking! I need more relationship blog ideas- any suggestions? I want to come see your place! Maybe next weekend? (Jeff will be here and it's the only weekend I'll probably be in town in Nov.)

  3. Those are great Katie! The texture adds so much to the room.

  4. Thanks guys!! Glad you like it!


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