Friday, March 29

Letters To Norah {Two Months}

Dear Norah,

I know you'll hear me say this all too often, but wow, time flies. I want life to slow down. I want to bottle up every single moment I spend with you. I continue to have a long list of projects to complete -- I don't get much done because all I want to do is spend time with you! Just the other day, I packed up all of your newborn clothes. I got a little teary-eyed putting everything away wondering how in the world you already outgrew so many things!  

Your second month has been packed full. You are quite a flexible baby and enjoy being on the go! The weather continues to be cold, so we haven't been able to get outside as much as I had hoped. When we do, you love the fresh air! This month, you watched your fair share of IU basketball games {oh, how you LOVE watching basketball on TV}, had your first play date {with Henry!}, went to your first brewery {shhhh, don't tell!}, went shopping far too many times, went to your own "Meet Norah" party, met your new dog-cousin, Ellie, celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day and Nana's birthday, smiled at mommy and daddy for the first time, and much more! 

{Trying to hide your cute NEVER do it when I have the camera out...} 

You look so much like daddy, it's crazy. However, you do have my chubby "Roe" cheeks. I love those cute cheeks of yours! You are growing so much! You have almost doubled in size since you were born. You went to the doctor today for your two month check-up and you weighed 11 pounds 1 ounce and are 23 inches long! I think you may be tall, like daddy. Oh, how I love chubby babies. I can't get over how cute your little legs are...

You continue to be a good sleeper {we can't thank you enough}! A couple weeks ago, we started making your last feeding a 4oz bottle and then putting you in bed. You have been sleeping 7-8 hours every night! We are all so well-rested in the morning and all in good moods! Even though you are a good night time sleeper, you aren't the best napper. We're going to work on you napping in your crib on a more consistent schedule. As long as you continue sleeping so long at night, I don't really mind you being up more during the day! 

You LOVE playing and looking around at your toys. You talk the most when you are laying on your back when you can kick your legs. The coos you make are the cutest noises I've ever heard. Of course, you make it difficult for me to capture your talking on camera! You so want to be on the go -- you don't stop moving. You are so strong and have really good head control. You love sitting up because you can see more. Sometimes you like to stand while we hold you up. 

{Look at you holding your head up!}

You have a new thing that kinda drives me nuts -- you love rubbing your face around on our chests while we hold you. I'm not sure if it feels good or what. Often you end up moving your head back and forth so quickly that you hit your head into our face and it doesn't feel great! :) You are quite dramatic. The drama is clear in your sneezes. You don't often sneeze just one time, most of the time you have multiple sneezes at once. 

{Sneezing - Bless You!}

It's amazing how alert you are now. You love looking at our faces and listening to us make different sounds. I can tell you are trying to figure out how you can make those sounds. You've already started smacking your lips. You've recently discovered your hands and you love sucking on them! Please don't become a thumb-sucker -- let's keep with the binky! You've started drooling quite a bit now and we often see you blowing bubbles! 

For one month, I've been eating dairy free. Your belly is starting to feel a little better. I feel so badly when it hurts you though. Thank goodness for gas medicine! :) Unfortunately, you are probably going to need that for the rest of your life...sorry! Really, the only time you fuss is when your belly hurts or when you are hungry. When you are upset, Cooper and Olive run right to you and try to help out. They love covering you in kisses and cannot wait for you to start playing with them.

I know this next month is going to be full of new experiences for you. I can't wait to see how many new things you learn and start doing in the upcoming weeks. It's amazing how quickly you are growing and changing. We are going to have so much fun together now that the weather is getting nicer and we're going to get to spend more time outside. {Plus, I can't wait to get you in your new spring/summer clothes -- they are the cutest!} 

I love you to the moon and back!


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