Dear Norah,
I can't believe we've already known you for a month {well really 5 weeks because mommy is late writing to you}! My pregnancy seemed like forever and time went by so very slowly. The last five weeks have gone faster than I could have ever imagined. I've always heard people talk about falling in love with their babies so quickly -- it's so true. From the second I heard, "It's A Girl!!" my heart was filled with love for you and it's only grown.
You entered this world quite dramatically and scared mommy and daddy more than you'll ever know. While I absolutely hate to see you upset, I am so very thankful that I get to hear your cries now. When you were born, you had a very hard time breathing and were gasping for air. You were not able to cry and that's how I knew something was wrong.
You are incredibly brave. Your stressful delivery and short stay in the NICU showed so much about you. You are such a strong little girl and a fighter. At the hospital, you continued to amaze the doctors and nurses with how well you did and how quickly you recovered. We are forever thankful for their hard work to make sure you were safe, but really it was all your hard work that allowed us to come home together just 48 hours after you were born. Always remember to work hard and never, ever give up.
I've learned so much since you came into our lives. Thank you for all of the many things you've taught us so far. I'm sure you will continue to teach us things each and every day. Watching daddy with you makes my heart melt. I never imagined that I could love him more than I already did, but when I saw him with you the first couple times, I fell in love with him even more. You already have him wrapped around your finger. And I'm pretty sure that will only continue as you get older! :)
Thank you for choosing us to be your parents. We are the luckiest people in the world to have you. Not only are we incredibly smitten about you, your two doggies love you so much! We know they are going to be your best friends when you get a little older. Coop is absolutely overprotective. He goes wherever you are, especially if you are crying. He loves lying by the glider in your room when I feed you. Olive is very curious about you. She loves sniffing you and often looks at you wondering when you'll want to play with her. I know you'll spend a great deal of time playing with each other in the grass when you are older.
You are a very chill baby. You don't get upset very often. When you do, we know you want or need something from us. I have a feeling you may be impatient like your daddy. You definitely get frustrated easily like both of us. We wonder if you'll be stubborn. Both of us are incredibly stubborn. You were when you were in mommy's belly, I can assure you that!
One of your most favorite things is to snuggle, especially with daddy. I can't tell you the number of times we've had snuggle mornings where you went back to sleep on one of our chests so we could all get a little more sleep. Recently you haven't been feeling well {because we just found out that you are allergic to the dairy in my diet} and been having a hard time falling asleep because it hurts your belly. But, the second we take you out of your crib and snuggle you, you fall right asleep. As I write this, you are sleeping on my chest because you couldn't get comfy in your crib.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a good sleeper! Mommy and daddy LOVE to sleep and it is so helpful that you do too! From the beginning, you pretty much only wake up one time in the middle of the night. Some mornings you go back to sleep after you eat and let everyone actually sleep in. You don't sleep in our room, and that's a good thing. If you did, you'd keep us up all night. You are one noisy sleeper!! You have quite a few dreams, good and bad, and you grunt and make so many noises. {The doctor thinks you're going to be a talker because of all the noises you already make -- and you're already cooing at a month old!} You are doing a really great job of learning how to self-soothe and get yourself to fall back asleep when you wake up in the middle of the night.
Each day, you are becoming more alert and are beginning to become aware of what's going on around you. You absolutely love looking at high contrast pictures. You have an animal book that Aunt Mer gave you that you love looking at, especially during tummy time. You love to listen to music. You and I listen to songs almost every morning after you wake up. I've tried to read you a couple books before bedtime, but you aren't too interested in that yet. You are beginning to like bath time much more than you did the first couple times.
You have done many things since you've been here. We've been to the mall a bunch! I'm sure you'll love shopping just like your mommy and Nana do! {You have quite the wardrobe already...!} Most of the time we run errands, you stay sound asleep in your seat. We've been out to dinner a couple different times. You have gone to two of daddy's hockey games. I think you're going to grow up to be a big sports fan! I wonder if you'll be athletic like daddy when you're older.
You love to eat! I can't believe how much you've grown in 5 weeks. We took you to the doctor a couple days ago and you were 9 lbs 7.5 oz! We didn't have any clothes that fit you when you were born. All of the clothes we bought/borrowed after you were born are too small now because you've grown so much! Because you love to eat so much, you also love to poop. It seems like all we're doing is changing poopy diapers! :) Right now, you're tummy isn't feeling great because of your dairy allergy. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well. I'm working hard to not eat any foods that will make you feel sick. Let's hope it works and you get to feeling better soon. Hopefully you'll outgrow this when you're older so you can enjoy dairy as much as I do!
Lovie, you are perfect. From your chubby cheeks, to your chunky belly and cute belly button, to your long legs. I love every single thing about you. I can't wait to see what's in store for us in the future and to continue making many memories with you. I love you to the moon and back.
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