Tuesday, November 10

taco tuesday

Every Tuesday evening, Kurt and I are glued to the TV.
We love The Biggest Loser.

There aren't many shows that we agree on watching together.
I like HGTV - He likes HBO.
About the only other thing we are willing to watch together is sports....a lot of 'em.

I find Tuesdays to always be ironic.
{FYI--Ironic is a very hard word to explain to kids. I was trying to do so today and didn't do a very good job. I really wanted to just play the Alanis Morissette song....I didn't!}

We end up sitting on our butts for close to two hours, right after we've eaten dinner {unless we eat dinner while watching!}, and most of the time eat some sort of dessert, as well! Hum....I thought the show was supposed to be motivating?!?

Schedule for tonight? Chicken tacos and Spanish rice -- always fills me up!
I'm sure I'll sneak a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich in sometime during the show...

I think know Kurt will dig into his odd obsession, popsicles!
We're seriously considering buying stock in the popsicle brand he eats {I don't even know what it is!}
We buy a big box every week at the store, he eats the whole box usually in four days.
I will admit, he buys the 15 calorie kind. He's got it figured out that he can eat X amount of popsicles for X amount of whatever else we have around the house.

Funny how people are different?!? I'd rather eat one really good thing and be done. He'd rather eat a gazillion popsicles that equals the one really good thing....

Have a great Tuesday evening. If you're watching Biggest Loser, enjoy. Who are you cheering for?!?


  1. Actually the Alanis Morissette song only has one true example of the word ironic. The easiest definition is when the LAST possible thing in the world you would expect to happen, happens. It's a very misunderstood word.

    Yes I'm a dork and care too much about grammar and words. :) Hope all is well!


  2. So, it's not a black fly in your chardonnay? :)


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