"Better late than never" has become my motto far too often lately. But, when there is Christmas, Cabo, and a first birthday to plan {I can't believe it!}, there seems to be no time for blogging!
I couldn't believe how much you grew, developed {from holding your head, to rolling over, to sitting up and more}, and became more aware each month from when you were born until about 7 or 8 months. From then until now, your looks haven't drastically changed {except your hair is longer and curly} and you haven't grown a ton {you've been in size 3 diapers for a while now}. What continues to change drastically month to month is your communication.
You are quick. You haven't looked back since the first steps you took on your 9 month birthday. You love the ability to get around so easily, especially that you can carry as many things as possible while you walk around. Your new favorite thing is to spin. You spin in circles as many times as you possibly can until you are too dizzy to stand any longer. Most of the time, you get right up and start spinning again...silly girl! You recently began holding our hands {a finger or two} while you are walking. Oh, how I love when you do this. I hope you will want to walk next to me and hold my hand for a very long time!
I often sit on the floor while you are playing. Sometimes you want Daddy or me to play with you, but many times you entertain yourself for long stretches of time {you hate it when we leave you in the room and come running after us!}. Along with your spinning, you've been practicing walking backward. Recently, you will back right up to my lap and sit right down. It's so cute to watch and even nicer to have you playing on my lap {while most of the time you don't stay long!}.
You still love giving kisses, especially to the dogs. Sometimes, you'll walk right up to Daddy or me and plant big, slobbery kisses on us. We love it, slobber and all. Most of the time we are begging for kisses. Sometimes you'll oblige, while others you'll let us know that you've given too many kisses and need to get back to playing! Most any time we say "Give Cooper/Olive a kiss" you turn around to find the dogs and plant one on them! You've also started to pet them. Oh, how you love your doggies!
I absolutely can't believe the next time I'll write you will be for your first birthday. My quiet, snuggly baby has turned into a independent, strong-willed, and curious {almost} toddler. I miss that baby stage because you grew out of it far too quickly. But, I can't help to smile and laugh each and every time you come running towards me {when I say, "I'm gonna get you!!"} with your mouth wide open as you laugh. I love the little girl you are becoming, but I wish time wouldn't fly by us so quickly. This year has been my best one yet because of you. And what's crazy to think...I know the best is yet to come!
Never forget, I love you to the moon and back.
P.S.- The day after we got home from Cabo, we had a HUGE snowstorm. It kept us inside for 3 days straight. While it was far to cold to take you out for long {and we didn't have snow clothes for you}, we had to take you out for a minute to see just how much snow we got. You were amazed!
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