Thursday, August 9

Week 12

Week 12

How big is baby: The baby is the size of a lime!! I can't believe how big it's getting so quickly!

What's going on with baby this week: The reflexes are developing. The baby is beginning to squirm in response to my belly being touched. I absolutely can not wait to feel this baby move! The intestines are starting to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen. 

Exciting news: I've finally been able to begin telling some of the people I work with! Only a few more people to tell before our news is completely out in the open... hooray! 

Look at that belly: Yep, I'm finally starting to feel like that belly of mine looks like a baby bump and not a lot of fat! No pants or skirts fit. The belly band helps a little when I wear pants {when it's not too scorching hot out!} but I've been wearing dresses as much as possible. I finally had to order some new bathing suits {one pieces} because those bikinis aren't looking so good anymore! I'm trying to decide if I want to buy clothes, pants in particular, in bigger sizes or just start looking at maternity clothes. I definitely didn't think I'd have to be buying maternity clothes this early...

Weight gain: I've gained a little over 7 pounds since the day I found out I was pregnant. I think more than I should have gained at this point, but hey, it could be worse! I am thankful for the increase in my boob size, though! Let's just say most of the weight has been gained there...! :)

What's happening this week: 
-Another doctor appointment! We got to hear our little baby's heartbeat for a third time! The nurse was able to find the heartbeat really quickly with the doppler. It was 160. I also found out that my blood type is O+. I've always wondered about that. The doctor answered some questions we had and talked to us about the genetic testing that is available. We're still trying to figure out if we want to do any testing or not. 
-On Friday we are heading up to the lake for the weekend sans dogs. Most of Kurt's family is going to be up there so it should be a fun time. 

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