Monday, November 16

excitement & exhaustion

I love the four seasons and could never live in a place that didn't have each season. All four have things that I love about them. Each year I love this time of year -- football, basketball season is beginning, snuggling, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, Christmas is coming soon {!}, etc...

This weekend is a great example of why I love this time of year, but it's exhausting! Friday many of my friends from work came over to our house. None of them had been here yet and we love getting together to unwind on Friday afternoons! Saturday we went to Josh and Meredith's house for their engagement/housewarming party. We brought lots of food to share, so we spend a good chunk of the day preparing for the party. And, The biggest game of the season. Colts versus Patriots. I'm sorry if you're a Pats fan, but I couldn't dislike a team more than I do the Patriots! :)

{Getting hyped for the game!}

The boys got overly excited about the game, so our day was pretty much spent getting ready for the game and tailgating. We 'had' to begin at 4pm for an 8:30 game. It was freezing, but we had a good time!

 {Trying to stay warm in our free Colts hats!}

Although it was chilly, we had a great time hanging out before the game. We made sure to bring a plethora of beverages, lots of food, and of course, bags.

{Go Horse!}

Speaking of horses, the Budweiser Clydesdales {and Spot!} decided to stop by the parking lot. Wow! They were HUGE and Spot was sooo cute! 

{Sorry about the butt shot. None of the pictures turned out!}

Oh, I guess I should mention that the Colts pulled out an amazing last minute and v.e.r.y. exciting WIN. By the time we left the stadium {it was too exciting to leave!}, got home, and went to bed it was close to 1:30am. And I was so hyped up, I had a difficult time falling asleep! Needless to say, today was rough and very tiring! I decided to take advantage of my sleepiness {and the season} and stop by Starbucks this morning for a yummy Pumpkin Spice Latte. Oh, and to make my morning even better?!? One of the radio stations has begun playing Christmas music. I listened. And sang along. Too early?!? I don't care!! :)

Tonight we'll be getting in bed early. But not too early because we need to catch the Hoosiers basketball game!! Ahhhhh, I love Fall. 

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