Wednesday, October 28

one hundred

I can't believe it...this is my 100th post! Thanks to those of you who read. I always love to hear from you as well! It's been great to share all the things going on in our crazy lives. Hopefully the next hundred posts are even better than the first hundred!

I had every intention of sharing another project we completed. But, I'm not....

When I got home {after working out and dinner with my mom}, I turned the alarm on. Kurt's not home yet and Cooper is still at Kurt's parents house {we took him there after the bug fiasco}. After putting away some things and such, I remembered I needed to get the mail. As soon as I opened the door, I saw this--

Waahooo! I was so excited! You know what it is?!? Coop's bed! I set the box inside the door and continued getting the mail out of the mailbox. All the sudden, the alarm went off! AHH! I started freaking out, then realized that I 'set if off' by opening the door! OOPS! My hearts still beating a little fast after that....

After I sprinted to the back door to turn it off, I hurried to open the box. Thanks to your help, we decided to order the 'funky circle' pattern. Here's what it looked like at first glance.

They sure didn't hesitate to smash that bed in the box! I was lovin' the pattern from the beginning. The fabric is really comfy and soft...I'm sure Cooper will approve!

The plan was to wash it really quick before Kurt and Coop get home. That way, he'd be able to enjoy his new bed right away. Once I pulled it out of the box, I realized that it's a lot smaller than I thought. I'm not too sure if Coop will even be able to fit on it!! So, no tags will be taken off just yet!

              Here's the before --         

And, the after --

If you look really close, you might notice something different {other than the dog bed} on the floor! That's right, we did finally find a rug. More on that another time.....

So, we'll wait until Cooper comes back home. See what he thinks or if he'll even fit. And we'll go from there. Thanks for the advice! We hope it works!!

OH, by the way...I think I've found a new way to make some money....

This is the tag from the dog bed. First of all, it says "Designer Dog Bed" on the back. Spoiled doggie... Anyways, look at that dog! I know another {CUTE} dog, that loves sleeping on his bed, and looks SO cute doing it. Could Coop have any dog modeling in the future? Ha. If you have any advice on how to go about doing this, let me know!! :)

P.S.- We FINALLY found a TV Stand. We're picking it up tomorrow. Can't wait to show you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 100!

    I've thought the same thing about a dog bed I bought for my dog before, but she has the amazing ability to curl up into a tiny ball... so everything worked out! I hope you get to end up keeping it- I love that pattern.


Thanks for your comments. I always love to hear what you have to say!