This weekend was beautiful {minus Friday}! And, we sure had a lot of fun!
Friday after school, Kurt and I went to a couple furniture stores in town that were having 1/2 off sales. We were looking around for some things for the house, but found nothing we liked. We have most everything for the house from our apartment, but we know we'll end up buying some things when we get in. We figured it doesn't hurt to look around...especially when there is such a great sale going on!! :)
After 'shopping' we headed over to our friend's {Lauren and Tom} house. We brought Cooper with us thinking he would love playing with their two doggies. But, they did everything but play together! We drank some beer, ate a little food, and caught up with each other. Too bad it was rainy or we would have been able to sit outside.
Saturday was a very fun day. The weather was beautiful. Josh came over to my parent's house {Kurt and I were dog sitting} to watch the Colts game. My brother, Andy, called and was bored so he and Julia decided to come over to hang out as well. I had to run to Target to pick up a few things, so I brought Julia along for the ride. She's getting so big and her personality is much bigger.....
After 'shopping' we headed over to our friend's {Lauren and Tom} house. We brought Cooper with us thinking he would love playing with their two doggies. But, they did everything but play together! We drank some beer, ate a little food, and caught up with each other. Too bad it was rainy or we would have been able to sit outside.
Saturday was a very fun day. The weather was beautiful. Josh came over to my parent's house {Kurt and I were dog sitting} to watch the Colts game. My brother, Andy, called and was bored so he and Julia decided to come over to hang out as well. I had to run to Target to pick up a few things, so I brought Julia along for the ride. She's getting so big and her personality is much bigger.....
It's really crazy how much she is like me when I was young. When I was little, I begged and begged my mom to buy me ANY {real} baby things when we'd go shopping. I'd always ask her to look at the car seats, strollers, diapers, clothes, etc. And, I'd always REALLY want them....the fake/pretend baby stuff wasn't good enough for my babies. Well, somehow Julia has picked up this quality, too! We walked through the baby aisles as she said, "This one's for my baby. This one's for MY baby. This one's for my pink baby....." It sure was rough when I had to drag her out of that section.... {ha!}
When we got home, we sat on the porch and started drinking some beer {well, Kurt and Josh had already started}. One of my best friends, Ashley, came from D.C. to visit for the weekend. It was so great to have her here and be able to spend time with her!! I drove her down to our new neighborhood to show her our house. I wish she would have been able to see the inside. Meredith came over, as well. We sat outside and hung out all afternoon while drinking a new favorite beer, Skinny Dip! {No, we did not go skinny dipping this weekend, but the beer sure made me feel good. Maybe better than skinny dipping?!?! I wouldn't know!}
After spending time outside, we decided to go to a restaurant in Broad Ripple called Brugge. Kurt and I had only had drinks there before and were very excited to eat there! It was SO good. One of the best things about dinner {besides the beer} were the l'enorme frites that came with all the 12 {I think} amazing sauces. Ummmmm......
The next time I go to Brugge, I think I'll be ordering beer {of course!}, frites, and {instead of dinner} the Nutella Crepe. Yoder got one for dessert and it was one of the best things I've tasted in a l.o.n.g. while. I was very upset that I didn't get to eat one as well. Good thing he was generous and shared a few bites with me!!
After dinner, we headed out to spend some more time together. Before we left my parent's house, Josh was asking us if we wanted to take a 'LeBomb James' shot when we went out. Of course, no one knew what that consisted of. He explained that you pour a couple bags of Splenda into your hands before taking a whiskey and something shot {?really the alcohol isn't the important part?}. After you take the shot, you throw the Splenda into the air, just like Lebron James does with chalk before every game!!!! We thought it was a hilarious idea, but Mer, Josh, and Kurt decided it wasn't the best thing to do if they didn't want to get kicked out of the bar....
They took this shot instead, without me I might add :( {Probably for the better!}
The night ended with us all sitting on the porch while listening to Diane Birch and enjoying time spent with friends.
Kurt and I are having a really hard time saving money for this new house we bought! I'm starting to freak out a little bit. I guess life's too short to pass up good times with friends to save money! Maybe we should just start eating less, since we know we probably won't stop buying drinks. {ha} And, no, we don't have drinking issues....just like to have a little fun and drink some good beer.
Kurt and I are having a really hard time saving money for this new house we bought! I'm starting to freak out a little bit. I guess life's too short to pass up good times with friends to save money! Maybe we should just start eating less, since we know we probably won't stop buying drinks. {ha} And, no, we don't have drinking issues....just like to have a little fun and drink some good beer.
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