Sunday, August 16


We had been looking forward to last night for a couple weeks now because Josh and Meredith got engaged!! Josh told Kurt and I he was going to pop the big question while we were hanging out before the Dave concert {I feel lucky because I got to see the ring in advance!!!}. We couldn't wait to go celebrate with them. Meredith had no idea and was shocked to see all of their friends waiting for them at the Rathskeller. If anyone deserves an awesome engagement party, it's them. I'm glad they had a great evening to celebrate!!

CONGRATS, Josh and Mer!
We're so excited for you!

{Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures. To see a couple, read Josh's blog here.}

Many people asked when our turn will be {ha!}. Maybe we'll be next!?!?!? That's up to Kurt. Hopefully, I'll be as surprised as Mer was last night!

Oh! By the way, I have lots of exciting things to catch you up on. One hint: Josh and Meredith will soon become our neighbors....

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