Do you remember when you were in school and your teachers would always say something along the lines of, "Trust me. I promise you that you do/don't want to do that. I did that when I was your age..." My students hear things like this from me all the time. Or do you remember thinking, "How in the world did she know what I was doing that?!?" Yup, you guessed it. I can tell from the looks on my kids' faces that they think this too! Don't you just wish kids understood that WE did all of those things that they are doing when we were little?!?!?
One thing that really confuses me is how awful {most} kids think napping is! If I could take a nap {or be told I had to take one} every day, I think I'd be in heaven! :) If only little kids would listen to adults and figure out how utterly amazing napping makes you feel....
For now, I'm going to take my own advice and take a nap with Cooper {who's already alseep!} .

Cooper loves sleeping on his dog bed!
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