While you will forever be my 'Baby Girl', these days you aren't looking like a baby anymore. Every day I look at you and am amazed. You stop me in my tracks. Take my breath away. And, make me a bit sad. I continue to wonder how you got so big so quickly. How your little brain can learn so many new things each and every day. How Daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents.
A month ago, I felt like you had reached a milestone. 6 months, half a year! This month, I feel like it sounds so old. How did we get to 7 months already? For some odd reason, 7 sounds so much more than 6 did.
You are growing and changing faster than we can keep up. I'm not sure why I ever worried about you going to day-care. You hands-down, 100%, without-a-doubt love it! When we get to Lynda's, you wiggle out of our arms so that you can get on the floor and play with your new friends. And play is all you do. You aren't a sit-back-and-observe-what's-going-on girl. You are right along side the big kids playing and learning. I swear, every day we bring you home from Lynda's, you've learned something new. And boy are you tired every day!
My transition to being a working mama has been interesting and pretty smooth. You loving day-care has helped tremendously. We know leaving you at Lynda's is so good for you. You're having more fun there than being stuck at home every day. Not getting to see you for more than a couple hours has been the toughest part. All I want to do when I get home from work is love on you. But, you're not much of a snuggler anymore.
You continue to love to eat. You aren't picky and eat everything we give you, except rice cereal. You are eating around three meals of solid food now. You love eating mashed up bananas and love trying the foods we're eating. You have started to work on feeding yourself. You end up wearing more of the food, but you are proud of yourself for getting some things in your mouth. You have mastered using a sippy cup on your own and love drinking water throughout the day.
You continue to talk up a storm. Your newest 'word' is "BA." You like to go on and on with your "BA's" and follow it up with a funny noise you make with your lips. Your laugh is one of my favorite noises. I love to hear your chuckles when you think something is funny...especially when you crack yourself up!
You still haven't quite mastered your crawling yet. However, you get around quite quickly. You continue to scoot more than crawl. I wonder if you'll ever crawl or if you'll go just to walking. It's better for you to crawl first, so I hope you do it for at least a short time. You have started pulling up on anything and everything you can get your hands on. You love to be standing and moving around.
You still only have two teeth, but Daddy and I can tell you're getting another one. Our guess is that it's coming in up top. We'll just have to wait and see!
It's still hard to believe that only 7 months ago, we were just getting to know each other. Now I feel like I know you better than any other person I know. I love watching you grow and develop each day. I often tell your Daddy that I still can't believe you're ours. I can't imagine life without you, but it continues to amaze me that you are mine. Forever.
I love you to the moon and back,
P.S.- Sorry the pictures weren't great this month. Attempting to get you to stay still is quite challenging!