I say it each and every time, but truly this month has gone by in a blink of an eye. With buying and selling houses and completely packing our current house, things have been incredibly crazy around here. You've kept up with us and not complained when we've been on the go for far too many hours than I can count. What a flexible baby you are!
You continue to get cuter and cuter {if that's even possible!} and more and more fun. Your giggles make me smile and laugh and your open mouth smiles are the very best. The way you move your body when you are excited or having fun is so cute. I love how we can tell when you are having fun by the smiles on your face and the way you flail your arms and legs.
You are THIS CLOSE to sitting up all on your own. You can do it, you just need someone to make sure you don't fall to the side. You are super good at staying up when you have something in front of you to keep you focused {like Coop}.
I know daddy and I will have our hands full because you are going to be crawling before we know it. You scoot everywhere. One minute you'll be on your play mat and the next you'll be way over on the carpet trying to pet your doggies or find a new toy. You get up on all fours, downward dog style, and get from one place to another, especially when you are in your crib.
You tried cereal for the first time this past month. Sometimes you're really into it and others, not so much. Probably a reason why you aren't loving it all the time is because I haven't been very consistent about giving it to you. With things being so crazy around here, that's one thing that hasn't always happened. Your doctor told me that you could start baby food in a couple weeks once you've been on cereal for awhile, but I think I'll wait until the beginning of August. July is going to be such a crazy month and there is no way we are going to be able to give you cereal/food on a consistent basis. Why rush, right?!?
I'm sorry this month's note is so short. We are going to make so many memories this next month. I can't wait to tell you all about them!
I love you to the moon and back,
Sunday, June 30
Melt My Heart
Best Friends...
P.S.- I'm late writing Norah's 5 month post. We're in the middle of moving to a new house... I took the pictures, just need to find some time to write to her!
Thursday, June 27
Just a bit ago, as I was rocking by baby to sleep, Olive came in the room and fell asleep by the chair. A feeling of gratefulness rushed over me and I almost began to cry. As my beautiful, healthy baby drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but to think how lucky I am. Sure, life has been really (understatement) stressful right now. Yes, our house is an absolute mess. And, like usual, we've had to pay for more vet bills than we'd ever imagine in a month.
But, my pups are healthy. My baby is asleep. My husband just grilled a delicious dinner and we ate outside. Possibly the last time we grill and/or eat outside at this house! We close on our new house tomorrow and we move in next week. One amazing chapter is coming to an end, but we have so much to look forward to.
Really, how did I get so lucky?!? I'll go to bed tonight feeling incredibly blessed in the midst of one of the craziest times in our lives.
Tuesday, June 11
2 Years
2 years ago at this time, the doors to the church opened wide and I got to see my husband waiting for me at the end of the aisle. It's hard to imagine that two full years have past since that day because I remember it like yesterday. As we were reminiscing about our wedding the other day, we both agreed that it was the absolute most fun day of our lives. {We are hesitant to say best because that may be reserved for Norah and any other kids that may join our family!}
A lot has happened in our lives in the past two years and life is going by quicker than we would like. However, not many days go by that I don't think about our wedding day. Each time I think about it, a smile washes over my face.
I'm so lucky to have my best friend by my side each and every day. No one else in this world can understand me and make me laugh like he does. Norah is so lucky to have him as her daddy.
10 years ago when I met him, never in a million years did I think this would be our life. I couldn't be more thankful and blessed that it is though. I'm so proud of everything that we've accomplished together and can't wait to see what else life has in store for us.
Of course, I often wish we could go back and relive our wedding and honeymoon. That was an amazing time in our lives. Because we can't, I'll hold memories and pictures so very close to my heart -- especially today.
Happy Anniversary, Kurt. I love you more than you'll ever know. Thank you for all that you do, especially simply being you.
A lot has happened in our lives in the past two years and life is going by quicker than we would like. However, not many days go by that I don't think about our wedding day. Each time I think about it, a smile washes over my face.
I'm so lucky to have my best friend by my side each and every day. No one else in this world can understand me and make me laugh like he does. Norah is so lucky to have him as her daddy.
10 years ago when I met him, never in a million years did I think this would be our life. I couldn't be more thankful and blessed that it is though. I'm so proud of everything that we've accomplished together and can't wait to see what else life has in store for us.
Of course, I often wish we could go back and relive our wedding and honeymoon. That was an amazing time in our lives. Because we can't, I'll hold memories and pictures so very close to my heart -- especially today.
Happy Anniversary, Kurt. I love you more than you'll ever know. Thank you for all that you do, especially simply being you.
Tuesday, June 4
Birthday Present
Last year, the day after my birthday, I received the best birthday present ever. We got our first peek at Norah. She was 6 weeks old a year ago today. I'll never remember that day when we first got to see her. This year, I was able to spend my birthday celebrating with her. Life is good.

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