Sunday, September 30

Weeks 21 & 22

How big is baby: Baby W is somewhere between the length of a carrot and a spaghetti squash. He/she is growing quite a bit and is almost weighing in at 1 pound! 

What's going on with baby: Other than kicking quite a bit {especially after I eat breakfast and lay down at night}, our baby is looking more like a baby every day. His/her lips, eyebrows, and eyelids are more distinct and hair is beginning to grow on the head. 

Symptoms: Nothing new, really. Lots of kicking going on. Kurt was finally able to feel the baby one time last night. My face is currently better than it has been. My lower back hurts often, but that's not really a pregnancy hurt before I was pregnant. I truly feel great. If I wasn't growing a belly and feeling the baby move, I really wouldn't know I'm preggo. I'm pretty lucky! 

What happened the past two weeks:
-I didn't end up getting a massage/facial the weekend Kurt was away. Instead Julia spent the night and we went to see Finding Nemo 3D. Later that weekend I went on a mini shopping spree! I ended up going to the first home Colts game with my dad. 
-A couple weeks ago was another busy week...maybe that's why I've been falling asleep between 9:30 and 10:00 every night! Tuesday night was another one of my photography classes. I've loved learning about my camera. I'm hoping that maybe I can do the intermediate class while I'm on maternity leave. Wednesday after school I headed to Carmel for a haircut. After I was finished, I met Kurt for dinner downtown Carmel. It was a beautiful fall evening so we sat outside and enjoyed dinner together. It's fun being back in that area. It brings back a lot of great memories from when we lived up there. We were supposed to go to tour IU North after dinner. Dinner ended up taking too long so we decided to grab some ice cream at Bubs and walk around the area. It ended up being a perfect evening. Thursday I worked out with my mom and then we went to dinner together. By the time I got home, it was time to watch some football before falling asleep on the couch. Friday after school I had pilates and then went to get some Orange Leaf with Anne after...yum! Saturday we spent getting some things done around the house. We ended up having time to get all of the guest room furniture out of the room and moved up to Kurt's parent's house. It felt good to get so much completed in the room. I was exhausted from all of the work around the house that of course I fell asleep on the couch that night watching more football! Sunday, Kurt and I went to the Colts game. We left a little early to go to the Orchard tailgate. It was another beautiful day! Unfortunately the Colts lost. After the game, Kurt and I ran up to the grocery store. Ashley was in town and was able to come over and chill for a bit. It was great to see her!
-This week wasn't as busy. Tuesday was another late night with my photography class. Wednesday we finally made it up to IU North to tour the hospital. While we haven't made our final decision, at this point we're leaning toward delivering at St. Vincent Carmel instead of IU North. I know either one is going to be great and I actually wish we didn't have to make the decision. We went ahead and signed up for two different classes at IU North {because there are more date options} and we'll decide on a hospital when we absolutely have to! Kurt had a late hockey game that night so I was able to come home and get in bed a a pretty decent time. Thursday was a crazy of those days I wish I could have ended with a nice cold beer!! :) It started off with a 7:20 meeting at school. The day had many random things all piled into one school day...too much to handle in one day! Friday after school I stopped by Andy and Quinn's house to pick up the trash bags Julia sold us for her school fundraiser. It was fun to see the girls for a bit and they gave us some yummy homemade cookies that had just come out of the oven. Kurt spent the whole day Friday painting the second bathroom upstairs. We've had the paint forever {since this spring} and never got around to painting up there. He was pretty tired and I wasn't in the mood to do much because of work all week. We ended up getting Yats for dinner and hanging out for the evening. We woke up pretty early for us for a weekend yesterday to get started painting/cleaning. I can't wait to show you the finished product. Kurt did a great job painting the room and it looks SO much better than the green that was in there. The color is a little more blue than I thought it would be, but I think it will work out great once we get the furniture and bedding in there. We'll hopefully get the furniture in there sometime this week/weekend. Things are starting to come together! :) Once I upload my pictures, I'll post a bunch. Last night after dinner, Kurt was able to feel the baby kick for the first time! He/she normally stops moving every time he puts a hand on my belly. This time he/she kicked him really hard! 
-Today starts my 23rd week...17 to go. CRAZY! We fully intended to wake up early and head to mass this morning. Of course, we woke up fairly early but didn't make it to church...we're really bad! I was finally able to get a massage scheduled at the Conrad for this morning and couldn't wait to go {especially after so much work around the house yesterday}! I'm not going to lie, prenatal massages aren't as good as the usual deep tissue massage {because they can't use that much pressure}, but it felt pretty darn good! So good I actually ended up falling asleep at the end of the massage and the therapist had to wake me up! I'll definitely need a few more massages before the baby gets here! :) I'm currently finishing up some laundry before I head to Kurt's hockey game. I'm totally going to get made fun of because I'm going to take my camera and work on taking some pictures! Loser...

Enjoy your week! I'll be back to update you about this coming week, as well as posting some pictures of the nursery. 

Saturday, September 29

Painting Day!

We're painting the nursery today {really Kurt is painting while I clean the house...}! I'm excited to see the finished color. I've hated the green that's been in that room since we moved in 3 years ago.

If all goes as planned, we'll have the furniture in and set up by next weekend! I ordered the bedding this morning. We won't get to see it for 6 weeks, but I can't wait! One of the only things left to do in the room is to order the glider. Hopefully we'll do that in the next week!! I'll be sure to post before and after pictures this weekend, as well as catch up on my belly posts. Enjoy your Saturday!

Thursday, September 13

Week 20...Half Way!

We're half way there and I absolutely can't believe it! 20 more weeks until we get to meet this baby of ours. We have a lot to get done in the next 20 weeks and many things will happen before then. But 20 weeks sounds short to me. I know time will fly and January will be here before we know it. :)

{You don't need to see a picture of me when you can look at this!}

How big is baby: Beginning this week, babies are measured from head to foot. The baby is the length of a banana...woah! It wasn't too long ago that we were excited to hear that the baby was the size of a blueberry! The baby weighs around 10 1/2 ounces. I was trying to think of something that is about the same weight as that. All I could come up with is a can of coke is 12 ounces. Our baby almost weighs the same as a coke...crazy! 

What's going on with baby: The baby is swallowing often, warming up it's digestive system. All the things that are being swallowed make up the meconium that we'll have to clean up in the first couple diapers... 

Symptoms: There's not much new going on with me. My face is still broken out...ugh. {I think I'm going to get a facial next weekend while Kurt is gone for the weekend...} Sleep has really been fine. Not great, but I can't complain. The other night, I woke up in the middle of the night with a crazy calf cramp. I read that leg cramps are common in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. I ended up getting out of bed to let the dogs out and stretch my calf on the stairs. My leg is still somewhat sore from that cramp! I'm guessing I need to be drinking more water so that doesn't happen again. I know for sure that the baby is moving around in there. The only time I can really feel it is when I'm laying down. But it's for sure a baby moving around!!! :) Everyone keeps saying, "It feels like butterfly flutters." Even before I could feel the baby moving, I couldn't even describe to you what butterfly flutters feel like. And now that I can feel the baby, I still don't think it feels like butterfly flutters... The only way I can describe it is like a twitch. Now the twitches are starting to feel stronger....a feeling that can't really be described. I really hope that Kurt gets to feel the baby soon. It's still too early for him to feel anything. 

News from the ultrasound/doctor appointment:
-The measurements from the ultrasound all look good. The baby is right where he/she should be for this stage in pregnancy. 
-Baby W is breech right now. Only place I feel movements is low down because that's where the feet currently are. 
-My placenta is in front causing it to be a little more difficult to feel the baby moving. My doctor said that it's totally normal. She said I'll be happy that it's in front because when the baby is bigger and moving around a ton it won't keep me up all night. The placenta is basically acting like a pillow between the baby and my belly. 
-Baby W is stubborn...shocking! He/she wouldn't change position during the ultrasound and was positioned kinda funny. The ultrasound tech couldn't get a good enough picture of one side of the heart {everything looks good though} so we'll be back for another ultrasound in a month. It'll be great to see the baby again though!
-I only gained a pound this month because of school starting. My weight is actually now exactly on target for how far along I am. Let's hope it stays that way!

What's going on this week:
-Saturday we did some work around the baby's room. We didn't get as much complete as originally planned, but we got a couple hours of work done...better than nothing! We have a long way to go...
-Sunday, Kurt went to the golf tournament with my dad and brothers. I stayed home to clean the house and do laundry. It was the first week of football {which is really crazy to me that it's already football season!} while I was getting things done around here. My parents, Kurt and I went to dinner together and then we headed to the grocery store. I ended up making three loaves of banana bread {two for my kids at school} late Sunday night while we watched Sunday Night Football. 
-Monday was a normal day. I stayed at school late to get some work done. I tried to get in bed early, but fell asleep on the couch watching more football. 
-Tuesday was my third photography class. I really need to take some more pictures and share some of them. 
-Yesterday was my dad's birthday. After our doctor appointment, we headed home to let the dogs out. Then we went to my parent's house to eat dinner and celebrate with my dad. It was fun to show everyone our ultrasound pictures. 
-Today was normal. I worked out with my mom after school. Kurt and I are hanging out on the couch watching football right now. I'm sure I'll fall asleep here before I make it upstairs...!
-Tomorrow Kurt's leaving for STL for the weekend. There have been quite a few break-ins in our neighborhood lately. I'm a little nervous to stay at home without him here. If we didn't have the dogs, I would for sure be staying at my parent's house! I'm going to pick up Julia after I go to pilates tomorrow. She's going to spend the night. I'm sure we'll grab dinner somewhere and play some games. 
-Saturday, Julia and I are going to see Finding Nemo 3D {Mer might come with!!}. I can't wait to see it. Finding Nemo is one of my favorites! I'm sure I'll hang out at home with the pups, do a whole lot of nothing, and go to bed early. :) I really need to finish up our registries and might do some of that Saturday, too. 
-Sunday is a Colts home game. I'm either going to the game or staying with Julia and Lauren while Andy and Quinn go to the game. I don't have any Colts shirts that fit me right now... Go Horse!

Thursday, September 6

Puppy Love

I love our pups so much. I know they are going to love our baby and I'm sure our baby is going to love having Coop and Olive around to hang with. I saw this on Pinterest and think it's the coolest thing. 

However, I just looked into buying two for our baby and they're $90 a piece.  
:( I'm wishing I could add this to our Amazon registry! Oh well... It's a good thing I get to look at these cute puppy faces every day! :)

Monday, September 3

Week 19

Week 19 

A few belly pictures from my cousin's wedding this weekend!

How big is baby: This baby is growing a ton right now! It weighs 8 1/2 oz and is about 6 inches from crown to rump. {This is the last week that the length is measured like that. Next week takes legs into consideration!} Our baby is about the size of a large heirloom tomato. 

What's going on with baby: The baby's legs and arms are now in proportion to the rest of the body. Hair is beginning to sprout on his/her head. The baby's sensory development is exploding and the brain is designating special areas for the senses. 

Symptoms: I'm feeling great! My back still hurts here and there, but the body pillow has helped so much. At the end of the long school days, my feet are a little sore, but nothing crazy. It would probably help if I wore better shoes, but I'm wearing flip flops as long as the weather is warm enough! The acne is still around, but the new face wash/lotion has helped a lot. It doesn't really help that I'm now wearing makeup all day long and not spending any of my time outside in the sun like I did over the summer. Every so often I feel some round ligament pains, but again nothing too crazy. I'm still not sure if I can really feel the baby moving or if it's just my imagination. I do feel little twitches after I've been really active and sit or lay down. Hopefully I'll feel this baby moving around a lot in the upcoming weeks! 

What's going on this week:
-This week began by being very, very unproductive! On Sunday, Kurt and I slept in because we were tired from the wedding. We had plans to work on cleaning out the nursery all day...this really needed to happen! Instead, we went to brunch with my family. When we got home, I took a 2 1/2 hour nap. It was a perfect day...nice and rainy! 
-Today we had some people over for our fantasy football draft. I told myself that I'd go work on cleaning up some things in the nursery once everyone left. Well, it's now almost 7 and we haven't done a thing! {The last load of laundry is in the dryer right now, though!} I'm hoping to get a little work done in there once I'm finished blogging....{The plan was to have it all cleaned out by next weekend. Ha, yeah right!}
-Tomorrow I'm going to have a long day. I need to get into school really early tomorrow morning to finish getting ready for the day {since I had to leave right after school Friday afternoon}. We have a meeting after school with the room moms. I have to run to an eyebrow wax appointment from school. Then I'm going to come home to eat a quick dinner and head up to my photography class. I wasn't a very good student this week...I didn't have ANY time to experiment with the things we learned last week. 
-Wednesday is going to be a pretty normal day other than the before school meeting. I have pilates right after school. Kurt and I are really going to try working upstairs to clean some things out of the room. Fingers crossed we don't make any excuses to get to work! :)
-Thursday we have another meeting after school. Then for the first time in a couple weeks I'm finally going to be able to work out with my mom! Once I get home, I know I'll be ready for dinner and to get in bed early. 
-We don't have too many plans for the weekend, which I love. We did leave this weekend open so that we could really get a lot of work done in the nursery. The hope is to move the guest room furniture out to Kurt's parent's house so we can get the room painted soon. 

To Do: {I am a list maker. Maybe if I make this list on here I'll make sure to get it finished!}
-clean out nursery and organize the closet
-order fabric for crib
-find and order glider
-pick out paint color
-paint guest bathroom and nursery
-work on finishing up registry

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things right now...

I'm ONE week away from the half way point. I absolutely can't believe it! It's very exciting but also pretty crazy. Time flies. I can't wait to meet this baby of ours, but we really need to stop procrastinating and get going on things around here. We have more to do around the house than just the nursery...!! A week and a half until our ultrasound! I can't wait to see you baby!

Week 18

I'm a week late on this post... Hopefully I'll get back on track now that the first full week of school is behind us. Week 18 was quite a busy week! When I was home, I was pretty much sleeping!!

Here are a couple pictures to show how much my belly has grown in 7 weeks. Crazy!

How big is baby: The baby is about 5 1/2 inches long, the size of a bell pepper. He/she weighs about 7 oz. 

What's going on with baby: The baby is busy flexing his/her arms and legs. Sometimes I think I feel a little bit going on, but I'm not 100% convinced it's the baby. The ears are in the final position and are listening closely to what's going on around here. I'm sure he/she hears Coop and Olive quite a bit! 

What happend this week:
-Sunday was supposed to be a "work on the nursery" day. Before we could get to that, our house needed a full cleaning. By the time we organized all our crap and cleaned the house, it was too late to begin working on the room. While cleaning, I managed to do about 10 loads of laundry. Then we headed off to grab a really late lunch before we went grocery shopping. We decided to stop by Buy Buy Baby before the grocery to check out the gliders for the nursery. We weren't originally planning to buy a chair from there, but since we have coupons, it only makes sense. We need to finalize the nursery swatches before we order the chair. We need to make all these decisions in the next couple weeks so everything is delivered in time! I was pretty beat and sore from all of the work we did on Sunday and I was in bed pretty early. 
-After school Monday I went to the gym for a little bit to get some cardio in. Kurt and I had an early dinner and I was in bed early again knowing that Tuesday was going to be a late night. 
-Tuesday I stayed at school for a little bit getting some work done. I rushed home to eat an early dinner and then headed up to the Indianapolis Art Center for my first of seven photography classes. The class is from 6:30-9:30 every Tuesday. I was excited about the class but nervous to go by myself! :) The class is great and I'm so excited I signed up for it! I'm already sure that I'll be trying to find time to take the intermediate class some time next Spring/Summer. I was hoping to try out some of the things I learned Tuesday, but haven't had much time because of the busy week. I did try a few things out at my cousin's wedding but nothing crazy. 
-Wednesday, I had pilates right after school. Then I headed to meet my mom and the nail salon. The lady who did my nails did a horrible job. :( I knew I would need to go back at some point to get them redone. Then my mom and I met Kurt at Chipolte for dinner. 
-Thursday night after school I went back up to the nail place {since some of my nails had already chipped!} to get a few fixed. They ended up redoing all of my nails. I didn't get home until 5:30 or so. Kurt and I fixed a quick dinner. Then I changed and refreshed my make-up before heading back up to school for Back To School Night. We were there until about 9ish. Kurt and I stayed up kinda late that night catching up on a show or two that we had on our DVR. 
-Friday morning I woke up early to shower. I had to leave school right away {without having everything planned for Tuesday...I hate that feeling!} because we needed to get downtown for Kristin and Scott's rehearsal and dinner. I ran home to change and refresh makeup/hair and then we headed right downtown. We were at the dinner until late Friday night. 
-Saturday morning I tried to sleep in. I was up kinda early with the dogs before I needed to get ready for the wedding. Kurt and I were of course rushing around/running a little late for the wedding. We had a lot of fun at the reception. I spent most of the time on my feet dancing the night away! It was SO nice having a rainy Sunday after the wedding to sleep in and take a nap. 

Week 17

I'm late on my blog post once again. I'm sure it won't be the last time! Things have been kinda crazy with the start of school. I'm thankful for the schedule but quickly remembering why I wanted to get so much accomplished this summer {that didn't get completed}!! :) Back to the busy life! 

Anyways, here's a recap of what happened during week 17:

{First front shot. Can't quite tell (at least in this picture) that I'm sporting a little bump. Let's hope my body keeps getting the memo to grow only a belly and not gain weight other places...}

How big is baby: About 5 oz and 5 inches long {crown to rump}, the size of a turnip. 

What's going on with baby: Our baby's skeleton is changing from cartilage to bone and the umbilical cord continues to grow and thicken. His/her sweat glands are starting to develop. The baby can move his/her joints. 

You in there baby? I may or may not have felt the baby move for the first time this week. After a busy, active day, I was lying in bed watching TV with my hands on my belly. My lower belly felt like it was twitching. You couldn't feel it from the outside, but I could from inside. Was that you baby?!? 

What happened this week:
-I was back at school each day this week. Monday was our all school meetings. Tuesday and Wednesday the other kids were in school but KG and Preschool didn't start yet. This gave us some extra time to get the room/our things ready for the little kiddos, finish up meetings, and meet the kids on Wednesday morning. Thursday was the first day of KG. The kids were there bright and early and ready to start off the day. The first two days were really tiring, but it was fun to be back with the kids. 
-I didn't do too much working out that week because I was so tired from the long days. However, my mom and I did the IHM 5K on Saturday morning. It felt good to get the day started with an early exercise. Then we headed off to the mall to find a dress for me to wear to Kristin's wedding. Shopping while pregnant is a stressful thing! Kurt and I went out with some other people later Saturday night for Mer's birthday.