I love traditions, especially family traditions. One of the best traditions my family has is Family Christmas. In 2005, my parent's time-share week fell over Christmas Day. Not everyone in the family was able to go to Cabo that year, so we decided to celebrate Christmas {the exact same way} the Sunday before. After we returned from church, we started making our normal {amazing} Christmas Brunch. I was in charge of making the mimosas for everyone :) Everyone decided to have one, except Quinn. I had a very short-lived thought pop in my mind, "maybe she's pregnant." I decided it would be better to not ask and we went along with our normal family routine.
We all sat around having an amazing time while we opened presents. After everyone was done opening, we started to clean up. Andy and Quinn looked around the room confused like they forgot a present for someone. Quinn asked Andy to check in the car and sure enough he came back with two big gift bags. He sat my parents down next to each other and told them that they had to open their present at the exact same time {while he video taped with his new camera}. Mom and dad each pulled out a bib. One said "Grandma Loves Me" and the other said "Grandpa Loves Me." We were all shocked and so excited. {I was MORE than ready to become an aunt!!}
I have been utterly smitten for kids ever since I can remember. From playing with my baby dolls to taking care of friend's younger brothers and sisters, I have been obsessed with children forever. Ever since I was a little girl, my biggest dream in life is to become a {great} mom. :)
Although Quinn was already 3 months pregnant when they announced the pregnancy, it seemed like forever for the baby to arrive. I loved participating in the baby showers and excitedly helped paint and get the baby's room ready. They decided not to find out the sex of the baby. They also decided to not share the names they had picked out for a boy and girl.
Once July came around, it seemed like my phone would never leave my side. Every time my mom called, I was sure she was in labor. Finally, I got the phone call from my mom. She went into labor early in the morning, so I was to stay at work all day unless something changed. That day seemed like weeks. That afternoon when I got off work, I drove to meet my parents at their office and we drove to the hospital together. We were so excited that we got there way too early! We ended up sitting in the waiting room for hours. I finally saw my brother walking down the hallway to see us! We all asked how everything was and if it was a boy or girl. {We were all convinced they were having a boy.} He said he wouldn't tell us yet, but mommy and baby were doing fine. As we walked into the room, the curtain was closed. About 10 people squeezed in between the doorway and curtain while Andy turned on his video camera. Finally he tore back the curtain so we could see Quinn holding the baby and said, "It's a girl!" We were shocked!!!!

(Proud to be a new aunt!)
One of the most long awaited additions to the family arrived on July 13, 2006, Julia Margaret {Julia was Quinn's grandmother's name and Margaret was our grandmother's name}. She was perfect. We spent so much time in the hospital room before it was time for Julia to get cleaned up and Quinn to get some rest. At the time, Christopher was living in Chicago. When he heard that Quinn was in labor, he was able to leave his rehearsal early and drive home for the weekend. When he got into Indy, we drove and bought flowers for them and went to the hospital. I couldn't get enough of her!
Being an aunt is so awesome! It has been so much fun watching her grow. It's amazing how much Julia looks like me {especially in our baby pictures!} I love hearing all the new things she has to say each time I see her. It is such an amazing feeling when you walk into a room and her face lights up because you're there. It's so much fun to sit back and watch Kurt and Julia together {they love each other and it's SO cute!} I can't wait for the years to come...shopping trips, sleepovers with Aunt Kiki, and much much more.
(I am that girl who constantly takes pictures. It's impossible to only pick a few pictures...I'm sure I'll be sharing more of my favorite Julia pictures in the future!)

(One of my favorite pictures, ever. My family (minus Christopher) in the Bahamas. Julia is on Papa's shoulders!)
(Having fun on vacation together!)
(Julia and Aunt Kiki!)
While it has been wonderful having Julia around, I'm ready for some new little ones around the family. I'm hoping for more nieces and {hopefully} some nephews VERY soon!!